Easy ways to stay in shape in your 20s

Health and fitness is so important in our lives, no matter what age, but there’s no denying that our 20s is the best possible window to get in shape, stay in shape, and help our future selves be the healthiest we can be. It’s easier to lose weight at this age, because you have a faster metabolism, and if you can get yourself onto a healthy foundation now, you won’t struggle as you get older, and as your metabolism slows down.

There are of course many ways you can get in shape and stay that way, and many of them don’t cost the earth, or even anything at all in some cases. You can even boost your social circle by joining a class or getting sociable with your exercise routine – you never know who you might meet!

If you’re struggling to think of ways to get yourself into the best shape possible for you, here’s a few ideas to give you food for thought.


Don’t be lazy – walk, walk, walk!

Don’t get on the bus, save some money; don’t jump in the car, think of the environment; instead, get on your feet and walk to work! Walking is a fantastic way to build up muscle and burn calories, whilst also saving cash – double the benefit! This is a gentle and effective way to stay in shape, and probably one of the easiest too.

Join a class

Zumba, yoga, pilates, bokwa, aerobics, kick-boxing, pole dancing even – you can join a massive array of classes these days, and even if you only go once a week, it’s not hard to fit it into your work schedule, you get an endorphin boost, it’s a majorly sociable thing to do, and yes, it keeps you fit as well. Find a class you enjoy, something that makes you smile, and make it a weekly, or even twice weekly, event.


Join the gym

This one sounds obvious but the fact remains that many people are put off the gym because they simply think it costs too much. Well, yes you do have to pay per month, but there are now many different gyms which offer different ways to pay, such as pay as you go, or no contract subscriptions. Simply find one that suits your needs best. Again, you never know who you might meet on that tread-mill, and this is a great way to burn off some of that work stress.

Dance, dance, dance!

Dancing is a fantastic way to stay in shape, and you can do it anywhere (almost)! You could even incorporate this as part of your Saturday night out, if you don’t drink of course, and simply get on that dance floor with a friend or two and shimmy to your heart’s content; you won’t know you’re exercising because you’ll be having so much fun!

Get competitive and play a team sport

There is no better mood booster than joining a team sport and winning. Hugely endorphin-releasing, great for your health, mood, and mind, as well simply being fun, playing a team sport, such as netball, football, being part of a swim team, cricket etc, is a fantastic way to stay in shape whilst also forming friendships too.

As you can see, you don’t need to be jogging at the crack of dawn every morning to stay in shape, and your 20s is the ideal time to jump right in there and get your body to the best it can be.


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About Lanna World

Lanna World is a travel blog mixed with a lifestyle blog. Sadly I can't be traveling all the time, so while I'm at home - saving for travel - I'll write lifestyle posts. Right now, I'm living in New Zealand, planning to travel to Europe at the end of 2015. I can't wait.

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