Being young is a time when there are far fewer cares and concerns about whats to come in life. About the only thing people in their 20s have to worry about is student loan debt and housing costs. Their health is also at its best and they dont have to put in a lot of work to keep their bodies in shape. This is why its a good time to take on a life insurance policy and get protection against unforeseen circumstances later in life. Premiums for life insurance policies are lower for young people and can offer a form of financial security for family members in the event of an untimely passing.
Those who are 25 arent thinking about whats going to happen to them at 55, and may not think that a 30-year term life insurance policy is going to be of any use to them. But even if they pay off their student loan debt, they are likely to take on a mortgage and have children by the time theyre 35. That means they have dependents and another large debt that require financial support. If that they die prematurely, they leave behind a life insurance policy with a benefit thats large enough to retire the mortgage and provide funds for the family. A life insurance policy is worth thinking about with these circumstances.
Take the Health IQ quiz below to find out what you know about life insurance and the benefit of getting a policy at a young age.
About Health IQ
HealthIQ’s mission is to improve the health of the world. In pursuit of this mission, they’ve created over 2,000 Health IQ quizzes and worked with innovative insurance companies to create financial rewards for health conscious people. To date, Health IQ has helped thousand triathletes, vegans, runners, and other health conscious people secure billions in life insurance coverage, and they hope to expand to other financial rewards in the near future. Speak with a Health IQ agent to learn more about Health IQs life insurance product, which offers special rates for health conscious people.